Skincare 101 – All you need to know to get that glow!

Are you brand-new to the idea of a skincare routine? With so much buzz on social media and hundreds of products to choose from, a skincare routine may appear daunting. But skincare doesn’t have to be intimidating or complicated. You may have read about 11-step- or 8-step routines, but you do not have to practice that if it’s overwhelming. Skincare is unique to everyone; there’s no “one-size fits all” routine. Everyone has specific skincare goals, and you should customize your routine to meet those goals.

Let’s start with the basics. A basic skincare routine has three steps.

1. Cleanse

The first and most crucial step in skincare is cleansing. Wash your face twice daily –in the morning and evening. Cleansing removes skincare products, makeup, excess oil, sweat, and other debris. Choose a cleanser that doesn’t strip your skin of moisture or natural oils. We’ll delve into cleanser types later, but gentle, hydrating cleansers are usually well-tolerated and don’t strip the skin. 

2. Moisturize 

Moisturizers keep the skin hydrated and healthy. They prevent irritation, dryness, and cracking. Oil and fragrance-free moisturizers are well tolerated by most skin types, including sensitive skin and acne-prone skin.  

3. Protect with sunscreen

Sunscreens are an absolute must-have. They prevent sun damage that causes skin cancer, sunburns, hyperpigmentation, and premature ageing. A broad-spectrum (UVA & UVB rays protection) sunscreen with SPF 30+ should be a part of your daily routine. If you choose a moisturizer with SPF 30, you can collapse steps 2 and 3 into 1. When you are in the sun for an extended period, we recommend you reapply your sunscreen every 2 hours and wear protective clothing – wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeve shirts. 
Once you are comfortable with a basic routine, you can gradually add additional steps. 

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Key things to remember:

Less is more – You don’t need loads of active products. You only need what suits your skin.

Consistency and patience are key – You cannot achieve your skincare goals without these. Skincare isn’t magic; it could take several weeks to see the results of your routine.

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